Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Blog title clearly inaccurate

The more astute readers among you will have noted that, despite the title, this blog is not, in fact, blank as such. Well done to you. It is, however, a corruption of what is possibly my best-known catchphrase, if not my only catchphrase, which is Large Blank Space, like so:

Large Blank Space

However, I used to have a blog called that, and after I canned it, someone else moved into the space and as far as I can tell, set up a bogus blog full of ads that Blogger is now looking at canning for violations of the Terms of Service. So I might move to that address later on, or I may not.

Rather than tell you what this blog will cover in great detail (which is likely to be, ooh, cars, the impending birth of my first child, and random amusing things that happen to me, as well as my thoughts on the world at large, and so on), I’ll tell you what this blog definitively won’t cover:

Politics – as I have very firmly held views on this subject and anyone who disagrees with me is clearly an idiot, so that would just be a waste of everyone’s time, and;
What I do for a living – because it’s the sort of thing you will either wholeheartedly support or violently oppose, and I don’t want to enter into that debate with you (or get fired).

I’ve also decided that I won’t bother switching on the ‘clearance’ function for the comments, so if you comment, it will go up straight away. Yes, I know that will probably lead to it getting spammed, but hopefully some of that spam will make for good satirical fodder, or at the very least, be totally irrelevant so I propose that we just let it happen and have some fun with it.

So there you go. I give this whole caper three months, tops.


adamdmills said...

alternatively, you could have called this thing large blank space 2: electric boogaloo

Anonymous said...

I like "Large Blank Blog", as a melding of the traditional Marco phrase "Large Blank Space" and a "Blog Space".

However, I would much rather see you back to the traditional space when the bad nasty inconsiderate person who stole it gets his just desserts and gets the boot.